✅41). Ultimatums (Noun)
Definition: a final demand or statement of terms, the 
rejection of which will result in retaliation or a 
breakdown in relations
Synonyms: Obligation, Stipulation, imposition,
Usage: Their employers issued an ultimatum
demanding an immediate return to work
✅42). Brewing (Verb)
Definition: make (tea or coffee) by mixing it with hot 
Synonyms: prepare, infuse, make
Usage: I've just brewed some coffee
✅43). Bandh (Noun)
Definition: a general strike.
Synonyms: gather, group, join, merge, unite
Usage: the impact of the bandh would be fatal to the 
cloth trade
✅44). Fomenting (Verb)
Definition: instigate or stir up (an undesirable or 
violent sentiment or course of action)
Synonyms: instigate, incite, provoke, agitate, excite
Usage: they accused him of fomenting political unrest
✅45). Tailwinds (Noun)
Definition: a wind blowing in the direction of travel of 
a vehicle or aircraft; a wind blowing from behind
Synonyms: Heavy Wind, Cyclone, Wind
Usage: America faced Tailwind recently
✅46). Incentivized (Verb)
Definition: motivate or encourage (someone) to do 
something; provide with an incentive
Synonyms: inducement, motivation, motive, reason, 
stimulus, stimulant
Usage: this is likely to incentivize management to find 
✅47). Errand (Noun)
Definition: a short journey undertaken in order to 
deliver or collect something, especially on someone 
else's behalf.
Synonyms: task, job, chore, assignment
Usage: she asked Tim to run an errand for her
✅48). Dovish (Adjective)
Definition: Supportive discussion or other peaceful 
Synonyms: Peaceful, peaceable,pacfic
Usage: He is a dovish politican who was one of the 
signers of a model peace treaty
✅49). Euphoria (Noun)
Definition: a feeling or state of intense excitement and 
✅50). Anxieties (Noun)
Definition: a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease 
about something with an uncertain outcome
worry, concern, apprehension, apprehensiveness, const
ernation, uneasiness, unease, fearfulness
Usage: he felt a surge of anxiety