✅51). Vandalization (Noun)
Definition: the act of deliberately destroying or 
damaging public or private property.
Synonyms: emolishing, demolishment, desecrating, 
desecration, destruction, ravage, ravaging
Usage: due to vandalization in the past, a security 
system has been installed in the house

✅52).Petition (Noun)
Definition: a formal written request, typically one 
signed by many people
Synonyms: appeal, round robin, list of signatures
Usage: she was asked to sign a petition against plans 
to build on the local playing fields

✅53).Retrofit (Verb)
Definition: add (a component or accessory) to 
something that did not have it when manufactured
Synonyms: Part, Device
Usage: motorists who retrofit catalysts to older cars

✅54). Impetus (Noun)
Definition: the force or energy with which a body 
momentum, propulsion, impulsion, impelling force
Usage: hit the booster coil before the flywheel loses 
all its impetus

✅55). Snoop (Verb)
Definition: investigate or look around furtively in an 
attempt to find out something
Synonyms: pry, enquire impertinently, be inquisitive 
(about), enquire
Usage: your sister might find the ring if she goes
snooping about

✅56). Vantage (Noun)
Definition: a place or position affording a good view 
of something
Synonyms: point of 
view, viewpoint, standpoint, stance, stand, view, opini
on, position
Usage: from my vantage point I could see into the 
front garden

✅57).Deferment (Noun)
Definition: the action or fact of putting something off 
to a later time
Synonyms: postponement, deferral, suspension
Usage: deferment of the decision

✅58). Credibility (Noun)
Definition: the quality of being trusted and believed in
Synonyms: trustworthiness, reliability, dependability
Usage: the government's loss of credibility

✅59). Staunch (Adjective)
Definition: very loyal and committed in attitude
Synonyms: loyal, faithful, trusty, committed, devoted, 
Usage: a staunch supporter of the anti-nuclear lobby

✅60).Detente (Noun)
Definition: the easing of hostility or strained relations, 
especially between countries
Synonyms: Policy
Usage: his policy of arms control and detente with the 
Soviet Union