✅31). Tranche (Noun)
Definition: A portion of something, especially money
Synonyms: share, slice, piece
Usage: They released the first tranche of the loan
✅32). Anxieties (Noun)
Definition: a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease 
about something with an uncertain outcome
Synonyms: worry, concern, apprehension, 
apprehensiveness, consternation, uneasiness, unease, 
Usage: He felt a surge of anxiety
✅33). Agitation (Noun)
Definition: a state of anxiety or nervous excitement.
Synonyms: anxiety, perturbation, disquiet, distress, 
concern, trouble, alarm
Usage: she was wringing her hands in agitation
✅34). Roil (Verb)
Definition: make (a liquid) turbid or muddy by 
disturbing the sediment
Synonyms: enrage, incense, inflame (also enflame), 
infuriate, ire, madden, outrage
Usage: winds roil these waters
✅35). Expulsion (Noun)
Definition: The action or process of forcing someone 
to leave a place
Synonyms: Removal, debarment, dismissal, 
exclusion, discharge, ejection, rejection
Usage: The expulsion of two diplomats from the 
✅36). Sneaked (Verb)
Definition: Move or go in a furtive or stealthy way
Synonyms: creep, slink, steal, slip, slide, sidle, edge, 
move furtively, tiptoe, pussyfoot
Usage: I sneaked out by the back exit
✅37). Muddied (Verb)
Definition: make (something) hard or harder to 
Synonyms: make unclear, obscure, confuse, 
obfuscate, blur, cloud, befog
Usage: The first year's results muddy rather than 
clarify the situation
✅38). Agnostic (Noun)
Definition: a person who believes that nothing is 
known or can be known of the existence or nature of 
Synonyms: sceptic, doubter, questioner, doubting 
Thomas, challenger, scoffer
Usage: He is an Agnostic person
✅39). Harbouring (Verb)
Definition: keep (a thought or feeling, typically a 
negative one) in one's mind, especially secretly
Synonyms: bear, nurse, nurture, cherish, entertain, 
foster, feel secretly, hold on to, cling to
Usage: she started to harbour doubts about the 
wisdom of their journey
✅40). Deceit (Noun)
Definition: the action or practice of deceiving 
someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth
Synonyms: deception, deceitfulness, duplicity, 
double-dealing, fraud, fraudulence, cheating
Usage: A web of deceit