✅21). Overhaul (Verb)
Definition: take apart (a piece of machinery or 
equipment) in order to examine it and repair it if 
Synonyms: service, maintain, repair, mend, fix 
up, patch up, rebuild, renovate
Usage: the steering box was recently overhauled
✅22). Rein (Noun)
Definition: check or guide by pulling
Synonyms: restrain, check, curb, constrain, hold 
back, keep in check
Usage: He reined in his horse and waited
✅23). Rationale (Noun)
Definition: a set of reasons or a logical basis for a 
course of action or belief
Synonyms: reasoning, thinking, (logical) basis, logic, 
grounds, sense
Usage: He explained the rationale behind the change.

✅24). Bolster (Verb) 
Definition: support or strengthen
Synonyms: strengthen, support, reinforce, make 
stronger, boost, fortify
Usage: the fall in interest rates is starting to bolster
✅25). Licentiate (Noun)
Definition: the holder of a certificate of competence to 
practise a particular profession
Synonyms: holder, master, degree holder
Usage: licentiates in ‘Aerial Survey Photography and 
✅26). Paucity (Noun)
Definition: the presence of something in only small or 
insufficient quantities or amounts
Synonyms: Poverty, famine, insufficient
Usage: a paucity of information
✅27). Derailed (Verb)
Definition: cause (a train or tram) to leave its tracks 
Synonyms: defect, crash, hinder
Usage: a train was derailed after it collided with a 
herd of cattle
✅28). Sluggishness (Noun)
Definition: moving or operating more slowly than 
usual and with less energy or power
Synonyms: slow response
Usage: A heavy lunch makes me sluggish in the 
✅29). Garnered (Verb)
Definition: gather or collect (something, especially 
information or approval)
Synonyms: gather, collect, accumulate, amass, 
Usage: the police struggled to garner sufficient 
✅30). Complacency (Noun)
Definition: a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction 
with oneself or one's achievements
Synonyms: smugness, self-satisfaction, self-
approval, self-approbation, self-admiration
Usage: the figures are better, but there are no grounds 
for complacency