✅11). Humoured (Verb)
Definition: comply with the wishes of (someone) in 
order to keep them content, however unreasonable 
such wishes might be.
Synonyms: indulge, pander to, yield to, bow to, cater 
to, give way to, give in to
Usage: she was always humouring him to prevent 

✅12). Churn (Verb)
Definition: move or cause to move about vigorously
Synonyms: heave, boil, swirl, toss, seethe, foam, froth
Usage: beneath the ship the sea churned
✅13). Verdicts (Noun)
Definition: a decision on an issue of fact in a civil or 
criminal case or an inquest.
judgement, adjudication, adjudgement, decision, finding
,ruling, resolution
Usage: the jury returned a verdict of not guilty
✅14). Messiah (Noun)
Definition: a leader regarded as the saviour of a 
particular country, group, or cause
Synonyms: son of Man, lord
Usage: the club's supporters have been tempted to 
regard him as a messiah rather than a manager
✅15). Charisma (Noun)
Definition: compelling attractiveness or charm that 
can inspire devotion in others.
Synonyms: charm, presence, aura, personality, force 
of personality, strength of character
Usage: he has tremendous charisma and stage 
✅16).Catapult (Verb)
Definition: hurl or launch (something) with or as if 
with a catapult.
Synonyms: propel, launch, hurl, hurtle, fling, send 
flying, send, let fly
Usage: the explosion catapulted the car 30 yards 
along the road
✅17). Spurious (Adjective)
Definition: not being what it purports to be; false or 
Synonyms: bogus, fake, not genuine, specious, 
false, factitious, counterfeit, fraudulent, trumped-up
Usage: separating authentic and spurious claims
✅18). Scams (Noun)
Definition: a dishonest scheme; a fraud.
Synonyms: fraud, swindle, fraudulent scheme, racket, 
trick, diddle
Usage: an insurance scam
✅19). Scrutiny (Noun)
Definition: critical observation or examination
Synonyms: inspection, survey, scan, study, perusal
Usage: every aspect of local government was placed 
under scrutiny
✅20). Caveat (Noun)
Definition: a warning or proviso of specific 
stipulations, conditions, or limitations
warning, caution, admonition, monition, red 
flag, alarm bells
Usage: there are a number of caveats which concern 
the validity of the assessment results