🔰Thursday,23 January 2020🔰

1. VENTURING (VERB): (जोखिम) 
undertake a daring and risky 
task, or journey.
Synonyms: deal, endeavor
Antonyms: assurance, fact
Example Sentence:
She ventured out into the blizzard.

2. TRAMPLED (NOUN/VERB): (रौंदे) walk over, squash
Synonyms: crush, encroach
Antonyms: aid, cure
Example Sentence:
The fence has been trampled down by the protesters.

3. PERISHED (VERB): (नाश) die, 
loose its normal quality;
Synonyms: cease, crumble
Antonyms: appear, grow
Example Sentence:
Three hundred people perished in the earthquake.

4. ENTICE (VERB): (लभुाने) attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage.
Synonyms: attract, beguile
Antonyms: repel, repulse
Example Sentence:
A show which should entice a new audience into the theatre.

(अगोचर) not clearly visible or 
attracting attention.
Synonyms: unobtrusive, faint
Antonyms: exposed, noticeable
Example Sentence:
This type of bird is very 
inconspicuous because of its dull feathers.

6. MANOEUVRING (VERB): (कुशलता) move skilfully or carefully.
Synonyms: action, gimmick
Antonyms: cessation, honesty
Example Sentence:
They were manoeuvring him into betraying his friend.

7. DEMITS (VERB): (इस्तीफा देना) 
resign from (an office or position).
Synonyms: relinquish, cede
Antonyms: accept, welcome
Example Sentence:
Arguments within his congregation led to his demitting his post.

8. SWAPPED (VERB): (विनिमय) 
take part in an exchange of.
Synonyms: exchange,substitute
Antonyms: keep, maintain
Example Sentence:
We swapped phone our numbers.

9.RIFE (ADJ/ADV.): (व्याप्त) in an 
unchecked or widespread manner.
Synonyms: abundant, alive
Antonyms: limited, scarce
Example Sentence:
Dysentery and malaria are rife in 
refugee camps.

10. CHARADE (NOUN): (शब्द पहेली) act or event that are clearly false.
Synonyms: deception, farce
Antonyms: honesty, reality
Example Sentence:
The interview was just a charade- every one knew who would get the job.