1. CULMINATION (NOUN): (परिणीती)
the highest or climactic point of
Synonyms: pinnacle, height, zenith
Example Sentence:
The deal marked the culmination of
years of negotiation.

2.CHURN (NOUN): (चुर्ण ) a large
metal container for milk.
Synonyms: seethe, stir up, simmer
Antonyms: frost, freeze
Example Sentence:
The fresh creamy milk sat in a churn
in the kitchen.

3.NUANCES (NOUN): (अतत सुक्ष्म
अंति) expression, or sound.
Synonyms: modulation, subtlety,
Antonyms: brightness, information
Example Sentence:
He was familiar with the nuances of
the local dialect.

(अव्यवस्थित) confused, not
arranged in order; untidy.
Synonyms: blurred, jumbled
Antonyms: systematic, ordered
Example Sentence:
He muddled display of pictures has
been taken down.

5. FOOTING (NOUN): (आधाि)
foundation, basis
Synonyms: underpinning, bottom
Antonyms: top, apex
Example Sentence:
She suddenly lost her footing.

6. GAUGE (VERB): (नापना) estimate
or determine the amount, level
Synonyms: measure, commute,
Antonyms: guess, estimate
Example Sentence:
Astronomers can gauge the star's
intrinsic brightness.

7. LACERATION (NOUN): (फाड़ना,
काटना) a deep cut or tear in skin
or flesh.
Synonyms: mutilation, injury
Antonyms: safe, closure
Example Sentence:
He suffered lacerations to his head
and face.

8. PROMPTING (NOUN): (उत्साह)
the action of saying something to
persuade, encourage, or remind
Synonyms: prodding, persuasion
Antonyms: dissuade, halt
Example Sentence:
After some prompting, the
defendant gave the police his

9. AMBIT (NOUN): (परिधध) the
scope, extent, or bounds of
Synonyms: scope, extent
Antonyms: minimum, interior
Example Sentence:
A full discussion of this complex
issue was beyond the ambit of one

10. UNDER GIRDING (VERB): (सुदृढ़)
secure or fasten from the
Synonyms: bolster, embed
Antonyms: undermine, refuse
Example Sentence:
A philosophy of service absorbed
during her childhood under girds all
her efforts.