1. EMANCIPATE (VERB): (मुक्त करना) set free
Synonyms: liberate, loosen
Antonyms: detain, hold
Example Sentence:
It is estimated that he emancipated 8,000 slaves. 
2. FOREGROUND (NOUN): (रंगमंच का अग्र-भाग) limelight
Synonyms: forefront, leading edge
Antonyms: background, backdrop
Example Sentence:
The intricate garden depicted in the foreground. 
3. INCESSANT (ADJECTIVE): (निरंतर) ceaseless
Synonyms: never-ending, continuous
Antonyms: intermittent, interrupted
Example Sentence:
He played the incessant beat of the music. 
4. EVANESCE (VERB): (गायब हो जाना) disappear
Synonyms: dissolve, fade
Antonyms: appear, arrive
Example Sentence:
The cold weather conditions have evanesced nowadays. 
5. SPURIOUS  (ADJECTIVE): (नक़ली) fake
Synonyms: counterfeit, artificial
Antonyms: authentic, genuine
Example Sentence:
Beware of spurious things for sale in the market because they can harm you. 
6. SWATHE (VERB): (पट्टी बांधना) wrap
Synonyms: drape, cover
Antonyms: uncover, reveal
Example Sentence:
Swathe the foot so that the ankle is supported. 
7. REDEEM (VERB): (छुड़ा लेना) regain
Synonyms: regain, repay
Antonyms: lose, hold
Example Sentence:
Statutes enabled state peasants to redeem their land. 
8. POP IN (VERB): (प्रवेश करना) enter
Synonyms: imbed, inject
Antonyms: remove, take out
Example Sentence:
It would not have been necessary to pop in the initial zero. 
9. MISGIVING (NOUN): (संदेह) doubt
Synonyms: distrust, cynicism
Antonyms: certainty, confidence
Example Sentence:
His actions raised a lot of misgiving hence, we called the police. 
10. JOSTLE (VERB): (झटका) bump
Synonyms: scramble, shove
Antonyms: leave alone, repress
Example Sentence: He was jostled by passengers rushing for the gates