1. REPROBATE (ADJECTIVE): Shameless (नीच)
Synonyms: corrupt, wanton
Antonyms: honest, decent
Example Sentence:
Only a reprobate man would kill an old woman. 
2. CAPRICE (NOUN): Sudden change of behaviour (सनक)
Synonyms: contrariety, crotchet
Antonyms: constancy, normality
Example Sentence:
I am fed up of your caprice now. 
3. GIG (NOUN): Employment (छोटा काम)
Synonyms: job, engagement
Antonyms: unemployment, economic-decline
Example Sentence:
A gig of a basketball coach has been published on the website today. 
4.NAUSEOUS (ADJECTIVE): Disgusting (घिनौना)
Synonyms: abhorrent, brackish
Antonyms: nice, soothing
Example Sentence:
Spitting everywhere is a nauseous habit usually found in youth. 
5. HEGEMONY (NOUN) Dominion: (नायकत्व)
Synonyms: authority, leadership
Antonyms: subservience, powerlessness
Example Sentence:
PoK is under the hegemony of Pakistan. 
6. IN WAKE OF (ADJECTIVE) Being next: (अनुवर्ती)
Synonyms: subsequent, succeeding
Antonyms: leading, preceding
Example Sentence:
We had no place to live in the wake of the fire. 
7. AGILE (ADJECTIVE): Flexible (चुस्त)
Synonyms: lithe, supple
Antonyms: rigid, stiff
Example Sentence:
Monkey is an agile animal. 
8. SHOVE OFF (VERB): Leave quickly (निकास)
Synonyms: depart, exit
Antonyms: arrive, come
Example Sentence:
As soon as the police arrives the goons shove off from the bank. 
9. SALACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): Indecent (गंदा)
Synonyms: vulgar, lewd
Antonyms: moral, decent
Example Sentence:
The salacious ruffians made filthy remarks on her. 
10. PULL UP (VERB): Stop (व्‍यक्ति, घोड़े, गाड़ी को) रोकना)
Synonyms: halt, pause
Antonyms: continue, go
Example Sentence:
This old orthodox practice should be pulled up now.