Operational Amplifier with Feedback

The open loop configuration of Op-Amp limits the application of its use. To extend the application feedback is introduced in the open loop configuration of an Op-Amp. Based on the type and nature of the feedback, an Op-Amp can be used as Summer, Oscillator, Amplifier, Integrator, Differentiator, Multi-Vibrator etc. Here we review the basics of the feedback which will form the basis of op-amp application.

Drawbacks of Open Loop Op-Amp

Clipping of output signal at saturation.

High Distortion.

Only smaller signals of the order of microvolts can be Amplified.

High gain & hence only low-frequency signals can be Amplified.

This limits the frequency of use in which the op-amp can be used.

The voltage gain of open loop Op-Amp varies with


Power supply variation

Manufacturing process

The manufacturing process creates a mismatch between the BJT’s. No two BJT’s are same, hence when multiple stages of the differential amplifier are cascaded, the effect of mismatching amplifies. Hence two open loop op-amps made up of the same type of BJT’s can give different gain.

What is Feedback

The signal fed from output to input is feedback.

There are two types of feedback:

1. Positive

If the feedback signal is in phase with the input signal the feedback is said to be positive.

Positive feedback is also called as Regenerative Feedback.

Positive feedback is used in Astable Multivibrators, Schmitt Triggers, Oscillators etc

2. Negative

If the feedback signal is out of phase with input signal i.e. phase difference is 180° between the input and feedback, then the feedback is said to be Negative Feedback.

Negative feedback is also called Degenerative Feedback

Negative feedback is used in Adders, Subtractors, Integrators, Differentiators etc.

Positive Feedback in Op-Amp

Output is fed-back to Non-Inverting input of the op-amp.

A basic positive feedback op-amp circuit is shown.

Since the inverting input is grounded, the output voltage depends on the voltage applied at the non-inverting terminal

Let us apply a positive voltage at the non-inverting terminal

Now since input voltage V is positive

Output voltage is positive

This positive output voltage is fed-back into the non-inverting input as feedback

This increases the difference voltage subsequently the output voltage also increases.

Finally, the op-amp is driven into saturation

If input voltage is positive, op-amp goes to positive saturation

If input voltage is negative, op-amp goes into negative saturation.

Negative Feedback in Op-Amp

Output is fed-back to Inverting input of the op-amp

A basic negative feedback op-amp circuit is shown

Output closely follows the input

The above circuit is also called a Voltage Follower.

As the input voltage increases, output voltage increases

This output voltage is fed back to non-inverting (V– ) terminal of the op-amp.

Here the difference voltage which is (V+ -V) does not increase

Op-amp does not move into saturation, it remains in the linear region

A negative feedback system is a self-stabilizing system

Negative feedback system operates in linear mode.

 Closed Loop Gain of Negative Feedback System

Consider an amplifier circuit with open loop gain A and feedback factor β

Let us find the closed loop gain of this op-amp when it is connected to negative feedback

1 + Aβ is known as Return Ratio

Op-Amp with Feedback Study Notes – Download PDF

For better understanding let us now go through some Practice Questions.

Effect of Negative Feedback

Stabilizes the Gain

Input Resistance Increase

Output Resistance Decreases

Gain Decreases

Bandwidth Increases

Noise Decreases

Distortion Decreases

Output Offset Voltage decreases

Ques.2. Which of the following is the drawback of negative feedback?

Input Resistance Increase

Output Resistance Decreases

Gain Decreases

All of the above

 Ans: 3


The increase in the input impedance and decrease in the output impedance is advantage of negative feedback.

The only drawback of the negative feedback is reduction in gain which may require additional stages of amplifier to be added.

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