✅81). Perceives (Verb)
Definition: become aware or conscious of 
(something); come to realize or understand
Synonyms: discern, recognize, become cognizant of, 
become aware of, become conscious of, get/come to 
know, tell, distinguish, grasp, understand
Usage: his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth
✅82). Coercive (Adjective)
Definition: relating to or using force or threats
Synonyms: violence, forced,intimidating
Usage: coercive measures
✅83). Patrons (Noun)
Definition: a person who gives financial or other 
support to a person, organization, or cause
Synonyms: sponsor, backer, financier, subsidizer, 
Usage: a celebrated patron of the arts
✅84). vigilantism (Noun)
Definition: law enforcement undertaken without legal 
authority by a self-appointed group of people
Synonyms: revenger, redresser, righter, requiter
Usage: The message here is not to encourage 
✅85). Harangued (Verb)
Definition: lecture (someone) at length in an 
aggressive and critical manner.
Synonyms: deliver a tirade to, rant at, lecture, hold 
forth to, preach to, pontificate to, sermonize to
Usage: he harangued the public on their ignorance
✅86). Presumed (Verb)
Definition: suppose that something is the case on the 
basis of probability
Synonyms: assume, suppose, dare say, imagine, take 
it, expect, believe, think
Usage: I presumed that the man had been escorted 
from the building
✅87). Rhetoric (Noun)
Definition: the art of effective or persuasive speaking 
or writing, especially the exploitation of figures of 
speech and other compositional techniques
Synonyms: oratory, eloquence, power of 
speech, command of language, expression
Usage: He is using a common figure of rhetoric, 
✅88). Nuanced (Adjective)
Definition: characterized by subtle shades of meaning 
or expression
Synonyms: fine distinction, subtle 
distinction/difference, shade
Usage: Lowe's work has gradually grown more 
✅89). Unbridled (Adjective)
Definition: uncontrolled; unconstrained
Synonyms: unrestrained, unconstrained, uncontrolled, 
uninhibited, unrestricted, unchecked
Usage: a moment of unbridled ambition
✅90). Salvo (Noun)
Definition: a simultaneous discharge of artillery or 
other guns in a battle
Synonyms: bombardment, cannonade, drumbeat
Usage: a deafening salvo of shots rang out