✅611). Provocative (Adjective)
Definition: causing anger or another strong reaction, 
especially deliberately
annoying, irritating, exasperating, infuriating, provoking, maddening
Usage: a provocative article
✅612). Bipartisanship (Noun)
Definition: agreement or cooperation between two 
political parties that usually oppose each other's 
Synonyms: Partnership 
Usage: a renewed spirit of political bipartisanship
✅613)Carnage (Noun)
Definition: the killing of a large number of people
Synonyms: slaughter, massacre, mass murder, mass 
destruction, butchery
Usage: the bombing was timed to cause as much 
carnage as possible
✅614). Adherence (Noun)
Definition: attachment or commitment to a person, 
cause, or belief
Synonyms: attachment, sticky, sticking, adhering, 
clinging, tacky
Usage: a strict adherence to etiquette
✅615). Hawks (Noun)
Definition: a person who advocates an aggressive or 
warlike policy, especially in foreign affairs
Synonyms: advocate.
Usage: severe limits were put on the peace plan by 
party hawks
✅616). Prudence (Noun)
Definition: the quality of being prudent; cautiousness
Synonyms: wisdom, judgement, good judgement, judiciousness, sagacity
Usage: we need to exercise prudence in such important matters
✅617) Unremunerative (Adjective)
Definition: bringing little or no profit or income
Synonyms: gain less, profitless 
Usage: unremunerative research work
✅618). Tyranny (Noun)
Definition: cruel and oppressive government or rule
Synonyms: despotism, absolutism, absolute power, 
autocracy, dictatorship
Usage: refugees fleeing tyranny and oppression
✅619). Grandiose (Adjective)
Definition: extravagantly or pretentiously imposing in 
appearance or style
magnificent, impressive, grand, imposing, awe-inspiring
Usage: the court's grandiose facade
✅620). Overwhelmingly (Adverb)
Definition: to a very great degree or with a great 
Synonyms: very 
large, profuse, enormous, immense, inordinate, 
Usage: the country voted overwhelmingly for independence