✅151). Diversification (Noun)
Definition: the action of making or becoming more 
diverse or varied
Synonyms: different, diverse
Usage: growers should start planning diversification
of crops
✅152). Offensive (Adjective)
Definition: causing someone to feel resentful, upset, 
or annoyed
insulting, rude, derogatory, disrespectful, hurtful, wou
nding, abusive
Usage: the allegations made are deeply offensive to us
✅153). Reaffirmed (Verb)
Definition: state again strongly
Synonyms: Advocate, acknowledge, argue, assert.
Usage: the prime minister reaffirmed his commitment 
to the agreement
✅154). Jarring (Adjective)
Definition: incongruous in a striking or shocking 
way; clashing.
Synonyms: jolt, jerk, shake, vibrate, bang
Usage: the telephone struck a jarring note in those 
Renaissance surroundings
✅155). Haunt (Verb)
Definition: (of a ghost) manifest itself at (a place) 
Synonyms: appear in, materialize in.
Usage: a grey lady who haunts the chapel
✅156). Splendidly (Adverb)
Definition: in a magnificent or very impressive 
Synonyms: Beautifully, Elegantly, gorgeously, 
Usage: the ceiling is splendidly decorated
✅157). Invincibility (Noun)
Definition: the quality of being too powerful to be 
defeated or overcome
Synonyms: powerful, Strong, inviolable.
Usage: he gave off an aura of invincibility
✅158). Rivals (Noun)
Definition: a person or thing competing with another 
for the same objective or for superiority in the same 
field of activity.
competitor, opponent, contestant, contender, challenger
Usage: he has no serious rival for the job
✅159). Squad (Noun)
Definition: a small group of people having a particular 
Synonyms: group, gang, band, body, crew, team, mob, 
crowd, outfit
Usage: an assassination squad
✅160). Tumult (Noun)
Definition: a loud, confused noise, especially one 
caused by a large mass of people
Synonyms: din, loud noise, racket, uproar, 
commotion, ruckus, rumpus, hubbub
Usage: a tumult of shouting and screaming broke out