✅111).Aberration (Noun)
Definition: a departure from what is normal, usual, or 
expected, typically an unwelcome one
Synonyms:anomaly, deviation, divergence, 
abnormality, irregularity, variation, digression
Usage:They described the outbreak of violence in the 
area as an aberration

✅112).Introspection (Noun)
Definition: the examination or observation of one's 
own mental and emotional processes
Synonyms: brooding, self-analysis, soul-searching, 
Usage: quiet introspection can be extremely valuable

✅113). Cobweb (Noun)
Definition:a spider's web, especially when old and 
Synonyms:spider's web
Usage: the wooden carvings were almost obliterated 
by cobwebs

✅114).Glut (Noun)
Definition:an excessively abundant supply of 
Synonyms:surplus, excess, surfeit, superfluity, 
overabundance, superabundance
Usage:there is a glut of cars on the market

✅115).Humanitarian (Adjective)
Definition:concerned with or seeking to promote 
human welfare
Synonyms: compassionate, humane
Usage:groups sending humanitarian aid

✅116).Fend (verb)
Definition:look after and provide for oneself, without 
any help from others
Synonyms:take care of oneself, look after oneself, 
provide for oneself, shift for oneself
Usage:she left her 14-year-old daughter to fend for 

✅117).Austerity (Noun)
Definition:sternness or severity of manner or attitude
Synonyms:formality, harshness, inflexibility
Usage: he was noted for his austerity and his 

✅118).Clamour (Noun)
Definition: a loud and confused noise, especially that 
of people shouting
Synonyms:the questions rose to a clamour
Usage:din, racket, loud noise, uproar, tumult, babel

✅119).Quell (Verb)
Definition:put an end to (a rebellion or other 
disorder), typically by the use of force.
Synonyms:put an end to, stamp out, put a stop to, end, 
finish, get rid of
Usage:extra police were called to quell the 

✅120).Fragile (Adjective)
Definition: (of an object) easily broken or damaged
Synonyms:easily broken, brittle, frangible, smashable, 
splintery, flimsy, weak, frail, insubstantial, delicate
Usage: fragile items such as glass and china